Powers and abilities

Blonsky's transformation into The Abomination substantially increased his strength and durability. Unlike the Hulk, Blonsky retains his intellect whereas the Hulk's intellect is similar to that of a young child. Also, unlike the Hulk, Blonsky is unable to transform into his ordinary human form. He possesses great physical strength sufficient to lift approximately 100-150 tons. This makes The Abomination stronger than The Hulk when the latter is in his "calm" state (75 - 90 tons). However, unlike the Hulk, the Abomination's strength doesn't increase when in an enraged state. Hence, the limits of the Hulk's strength, whatever they might be, are exponentially greater than the Abomination's. Like the Hulk, the Abomination can use his superhumanly strong leg muscles to leap great distances, covering two miles in a single bound.

Unlike the Hulk, the Abomination's transformation has proved stable: he cannot change back and forth between his human state and his superhuman state, despite his wishes to the contrary. Though the Abomination has proven able to regenerate lost eyes and recover from other forms of massive cellular damage, his ability to regenerate tissue is much slower than that of the Hulk. One possible explanation for this is that the Hulk's remarkable regenerative abilities increases in efficiency as he becomes enraged, much like his strength. The Abomination is resistant to extremes of temperature, and can hold his breath for extended periods of time; in the case of lack of air or heat, he may enter a coma-like state of suspended animation.