Powers and Abilities

Gee can negate the force of gravity on himself and on other living beings and objects through anti-gravitons. (Gravitons are subatomic particles which carry the force of gravitational attraction. Anti-gravitons are subatomic particles that are the counterparts to gravitons, but have an opposite charge.) In order to reduce the pull of gravity on an object or a living being other than himself, Gee must be in physical contact with object or being. When Gee uses his power small black rectangular marks often appear on his forearms and lower legs (or, if those portions of his body covered by clothing, on the parts of the parts of his clothing covering his forearms and lower leg) and sometimes on part of whatever object he is touching and using his power on. The limits of the amount of mass on which Gee can successfully use his power are not yet known. However, he has succeeded in negating the force of gravity on his father's matter/anti-matter converter, an enormous object weighing many tons, enough to carry it many stories above the Earth's surface.

Gee can control the extent to which he reduces the pull of gravity enough so that he can hover above the Earth's surface at the height he desires, and not simply keep on during upward into outer space. Apparently Gee can also increase the pull of gravity on himself through generating gravitons. In his first clash with the Snarks, Gee thus successfully resisted the pull of a Snarl tractor beam that had a force equivalent to six times Earth's gravity. However, as yet Gee has seldom used this power to increase the pull of gravity, and it is unclear whether he can use this power to increase the force of gravity on living beings and objects he touches.

gravity-power allows him to become weightless, heft or levitate enormous weights by canceling their gravity, generate posi-grav to add force behind his punches, resist artificial gravity pulls, and walk on walls and ceilings by generating specific gravimetric attractions, summon and displace his costume at will